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The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages de Harold Bloom

Descripción - Críticas 'Heroically brave, formidably learned... The Western Canon is a passionate demonstration of why some writers have triumphantly escaped the oblivion in which time buries almost all human effort. It inspires hope... that what humanity has long cherished, posterity will also.' -The New York Times Book Review 'This book is terribly important -- if you believe that literature itself is important, quite noble -- if you believe that 'nobility' is still a viable concept in intellectual life.' --The Boston Globe 'Harold Bloom's large-minded and large-hearted book about the great books has many of the virtues that it sees and shows in the works he so fiercely admires.' -Christopher Ricks, The Washington Times 'The list... is what will get all the attention, but it is the text preceding that provides the true pleasure.' -Entertainment Weekly '[Harold Bloom] has, in a quietly joyous fashion, the chutzpah to put his stamp on the whole of literature from Genesis to Ashbery, rivaling the scope of hero-critics like Sainsbury or Curtius or Auerbach though more giddily adventurous than they were... In one sense the hero of this book, as of all his books, is Bloom himself, modestly bold, genially polemical, dogmatically opposed to dogma, carrying to much in his head and always ready to say what he thinks about it all.' -Frank Kermode, The London Review of Books Reseña del editor Harold Bloom explores our Western literary tradition by concentrating on the works of twenty-six authors central to the Canon. He argues against ideology in literary criticism; he laments the loss of intellectual and aesthetic standards; he deplores multiculturalism, Marxism, feminism, neoconservatism, Afrocentrism, and the New Historicism. Insisting instead upon 'the autonomy of the aesthetic, ' Bloom places Shakespeare at the center of the Western Canon. Shakespeare has become the touchstone for all writers who come before and after him, whether playwrights poets or storytellers. In the creation of character, Bloom maintains, Shakespeare has no true precursor and has left no one after him untouched. Milton, Samuel Johnson, Goethe, Ibsen, Joyce, and Beckett were all indebted to him; Tolstoy and Freud rebelled against him; and Dante, Wordsworth, Austen, Dickens, Whitman, Dickinson, Proust, the modern Hispanic and Portuguese writers Borges, Neruda, and Pessoa are exquisite examples of how canonical writing is born of an originality fused with tradition. Bloom concludes this provocative, trenchant work with a complete list of essential writers and books - his vision of the Canon. Biografía del autor Harold Bloom is a Sterling Professor of Humanities at Yale University and a former Charles Eliot Norton Professor at Harvard. As The Paris Review has pointed out, 'no critic in the English language since Samuel Johnson has been more prolific.' His more than thirty books include The Best Poems of the English Language, The Art of Reading Poetry, and The Book of J. He is a MacArthur Prize Fellow, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and the recipient of many awards and honorary degrees, including the Academy's Gold Medal for Belles Lettres and Criticism, the International Prize of Catalonia, and the Alfonso Reyes Prize of Mexico. Alfred Kazin has said, 'Bloom is all literature, (he) positively lives it,' and The New York Times called him 'the most original literary critic in America.' He lives in New Haven and New York.

Harold bloom wikipedia, entziklopedia askea harold bloom new york, 1930eko uztailaren 11 new haven, 2019ko urriaren 14a literaturaren teoria eta kritika akademikoa jorratu dituen yale unibertsitateko irakasle estatubatuarra izan zen mendebaldeko kanonari buruzko idazlan akademikoetan aipatuenetarikoa izaten da harold bloomen ingelesez the western canon the books and school of the agesnew york harcourt brace, 1994 Los 36 mejores escritores de la historia occidentales en 1994, el crítico literario harold bloom publicó su obra the western canonthe books and school of ages, donde defendía la existencia de un elíseo de escritores que conseguían alcanzar la pureza estética o artística en sus obras esta pureza está basada en la estética de emmanuel kant 17241804, que se centraba en buscar una solución intersubjetiva a los juicios acerca de la Harold bloom wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre the western canon the books and school of the ages new york harcourt brace, 1994 en castellano el canon occidental la escuela y los libros de todas las épocas ed anagrama, trad damián alou barcelona, 2005 isbn 8433966847 omens of millennium the gnosis of angels, dreams, and resurrection new york riverhead books, 1996

The western canon the books and school of the ages the western canon the books and school of the ages 8601416679822 bloom, harold books Canon occidental wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre canon literario anglosajón uno de los intentos más notables fue el programa de los great books of the western worlddesarrollado en el tercio medio del siglo xx, surgió en torno al currículo de la universidad de chicago, cuyo presidente, robert hutchins, en colaboración con mortimer adler, desarrollaron un programa que ofrecía listas de lectura, libros y estrategias organizacionales Los cuatro grandes de la poesía chilena wikipedia, la los cuatro grandes de la poesía chilena es el nombre con el cual se conoce al grupo integrado por los más importantes poetas chilenos del siglo xx gabriela mistral, vicente huidobro, pablo de rokha y pablo neruda curiosamente, estos cuatro poetas estuvieron relacionados entre sí a lo largo de sus vidas siendo ya conocida como poeta, gabriela mistral fue directora del liceo de niñas

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages
  • Autor: Harold Bloom
  • Categoria: Libros,Literatura y ficción,Historia, teoría literaria y crítica
  • Tamaño del archivo: 15 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

Descargar PDF The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages de Harold Bloom PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

El obsceno pájaro de la noche wikipedia, la enciclopedia el obsceno pájaro de la noche es una novela del escritor y periodista chileno josé donoso, originalmente editada en 1970 es considerada una de sus mejores novelas y la de mayor aliento y ambición literaria el crítico literario harold bloom la considera una de las obras esenciales del canon de la literatura occidental del siglo xx 1 referencias Harold bloom interview on the western canon 1994 professor at yale and new york university harold bloom shares his new book, the western canon, and analyzes the state of literature today check out these great harold bloom books on Bloom western canon sonic by harold bloom this page a the theocratic age 2000 bce1321 ce b the aristocratic age 13211832 c the democratic age 18321900 d the chaotic age 20th century a the theocratic age since the literary canon is at issue here, i include only those religious, philosophical, historical, and scientific writings that are themselves of great aesthetic interest

The western canon the books and school of the ages by literary critic harold blooms the western canon is more than a required reading listit is a vision infused with a love of learning, compelling in its arguments for a unifying written culture, it argues brilliantly against the politicization of literature and presents a guide to the great works of the western literary tradition and essential writers of the ages Google libros haz búsquedas en el mayor catálogo de libros completos del mundo mi colección editores información privacidad términos ayuda información privacidad términos ayuda Western canon wikipedia the western canon is the body of high culture literature, music, philosophy, and works of art that is highly valued in the west works that have achieved the status of classicshowever, not all these works originate in the western world, and such works are also valued throughout the world it is a certain western intellectual tradition that goes from, say, socrates to wittgenstein in

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